MSNBC still running 'Lean Forward' ad about Wisconsin

Schultz: 'I think Wisconsin is a microcosm of what's happening across the country'

MSNBC ran a "Lean Forward" ad Wednesday morning that calls Wisconsin a "microcosm" for the rest of the country, even after the results of Tuesday's recall election.

"I think Wisconsin is a microcosm of what's happening across the country," Ed Schultz says in the ad.

"Whereas the tax breaks went to the corporations, and yet they tried to balance the budget on the back of the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker, the teacher, the firefighters, and those who can't afford to give up any more," Schultz continues. "It's about protecting the future of workers."

NBC called the election for Gov. Scott Walker within 50 minutes of the polls closing.

Told Walker had won the recall election Tuesday night by Rachel Maddow, Schultz said "it's going to be close down to the wire."

Published under: Ed Schultz