Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee Rep. Michael McCaul (R., Texas) warned he believes there is a "high degree of probability" there will be some kind of terrorist attack during the Olympics outside of Sochi's "ring of steel" on Fox News Sunday:
MICHAEL MCCAUL: […] I think what really does the greatest damage or threat in my judgment is the proximity of the locations of where the games are being held. They're being held right dead center in the middle of what has been a historic battleground between Russia and the Chechen rebels that have now spun off into an Islamic or radical militant group. And so you have the leader of the Chechen rebels Umarov calling for attacks on Olympics, calling for attacks on civilians including women and children and then Zawahiri the Al Qaeda leader, the lieutenant of Bin Laden, you know, reinforcing that threat. And so that's a whole new ball game that makes I think makes these Olympics very, very different. I think there is a high degree probability that something is going to -- something will detonate. Something will go off. But I do think it's probably most likely to happen outside of the ring of steel and the Olympic village.
CHRIS WALLACE: I have to pick up on this. You're saying as the Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, you think there is a high probability that there will be some explosion outside the ring of steel?
MCCAUL: Well, I hope I'm wrong in this assessment, but you're talking about an area of the world where suicide bombers go off all the time. And the fact is right now, Chris, the eyes of the world are upon these Olympics. The Chechen extremists know this. They want to make a global statement. They want to make a jihad statement. Now what better time to do it than right now? And that is I think the biggest threat that is to these Olympics. And remember, they don't have to hit in the ring of steel at the Olympic village, as long as they hit somewhere in Russia. To them, that's a victory.