Former deputy assistant secretary of state Liz Cheney said that her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney, would have negotiated a better deal than President Obama on Iran's nuclear program Wednesday.
President Obama tried to sell the Iran nuclear deal to the public Tuesday evening in an appearance on the Daily Show. During his sales pitch, Obama took a few swings at Cheney, accusing him of rushing to war rather than handling it diplomatically.
"I think it’s self evident that Dick Cheney would have gotten a better deal than this one. I don’t know why the president was so fixated on my dad," Cheney said on America's Newsroom.
Cheney also said it would have been hard to get a deal worse than Obama's. The current deal allows for Iran to build a nuclear arms stockpile, she said, and the Obama administration has been so desperate for a deal that they made multiple concessions with Iran.
Cheney said her father would have not allowed for the sanctions to be lifted, nor would he have agreed to remove the restrictions on Iran ballistic missile program.
"Frankly, it’s hard to imagine anyone who wouldn’t have gotten a better deal given how bad this one is," Cheney said.