Ingraham: Why Are Dems More Outraged About Nigeria Than Benghazi?

Fox News substitute O'Reilly Factor host Laura Ingraham castigated Democrats for their selective outrage about Nigeria and Benghazi Thursday evening.

Ingraham called out former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for decrying the terror organization Boko Haram for kidnapping the young girls after resisting labeling the group a terrorist organization during her tenure at the State Department.

The FNC host also singled out Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D., Texas) for demanding the U.S. use "all resources to bring the terrorist thugs to justice."

"Where was that powerful drumbeat for justice against those who slaughtered American citizens in Benghazi?" Ingraham asked.

"Have they ever demanded that we 'use all resources' to get to the bottom of what happened that night? We don't have one person in custody for those murders. And let's not forget the FBI did not even arrive at the Benghazi compound for three and a half weeks after the attack. Justice should be brought to Boko Haram. But we as a nation should be just as outraged, just as united regardless of political party in our demand for answers, accountability, and justice for the American victims in Benghazi."

Published under: Benghazi , Laura Ingraham