Eli Lake Shuts Down Anti-Semitic C-SPAN Caller

Taking On the Vox Patchouli

On Tuesday’s Washington Journal, Eli Lake of The Daily Beast shuts down an anti-Semitic caller in epic fashion.

CALLER: Good morning. Mr. Lake, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, these are all pretty much talking heads for the Dick Cheney neocon wing of 'Let's go to war for the greater glory and good of Israel.' The United States has no dog in this fight. We're broke, if you can remember that. We've got people who don't have jobs who are starving in this country. I want everybody to please call and support the president's deliberative process. Ask the president to get Congress started on jobs here.

GRETA WODELE BRAWNER: Henry, I'm going to leave it there because you say we have no dog in this fight.

ELI LAKE: I don't want to take this caller seriously. I would like to tell you if you're watching, sir, I regard you as a nonsense person. And the notion that Lindsey Graham and John McCain, who are elected U.S. Senators, are somehow cutouts for the state of Israel as part of a large conspiracy, is a popular fringe theory. Enjoy your basement, enjoy your conspiracies. But back here in reality, I'll try to cover the world as it is.

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