Dem Congressman Under Investigation for Misuse of Campaign Funds

Allegations include several trips to California with his daughter, an aspiring singer and actress

The House Ethics Committee announced Tuesday it was investigating whether Rep. Rob Andrews (D., N.J.) had broken House rules by using campaign funds for personal travel, the Associated Press reports.

The allegations against Andrews include that he used campaign finances to travel to a wedding in Scotland and take numerous trips to California with his daughter, an aspiring singer and actress:

A report the OCE released in August of last year said Andrews' trip to Edinburgh, Scotland—including four business class tickets for himself and his family—was either paid for or later reimbursed by Andrews' campaign accounts.

Andrews said he expected the investigation to clear him.

"As I have previously stated, this continuing review by the House Ethics Committee will establish and confirm that I have always followed all the rules and met all the standards of the House," Andrews said.

Andrews said he will "eagerly provide" all the information requested by the committee.

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R., S.C.) will lead the panel investigating Andrews.

The Ethics Committee also announced Tuesday it would form a special panel to investigate whether Rep. Don Young (R., Alaska) failed to report gifts on his annual disclosure forms, misused campaign funds, and lied to federal officials.

The charges against Young focus on his expenses and travel costs for trips that were already the subject of an ethics investigation.

Published under: Congress