Cutter: Wisconsin recall has 'nothing to do' with presidential election

'There may be some that will, you know, predict that it means doom for us in Wisconsin in the fall elections'

Deputy Obama campaign manager Stephanie Cutter said Wednesday the Wisconsin recall election has "nothing to do" with the fall election.

"There may be some that will, you know, predict that it means doom for us in Wisconsin in the fall elections," Cutter said, suggesting low expectations for next week's vote, "but I think they'll be proven wrong."

TODD: Does that mean the result, though, should tell us something about November?

CUTTER: I think the Barrett campaign is pleased with what has been done by the DNC and Obama for America.

TODD: does the result tell us something about November?

CUTTER: no, I don't think so. This is a gubernatorial race with a guy who was recalled, and a, you know, a challenger trying to get him out of office. It has nothing to do with President Obama at the top of the ticket. And it certainly doesn't have anything to do with Mitt Romney at the top of the Republican ticket. So, no, I don't think, you know, there may be some that will, you know, predict that it means doom for us in Wisconsin in the fall elections, but I think they'll be proven wrong.

Published under: Stephanie Cutter