A middle school teacher in Fairfax, Va. mocked a disabled student’s recitation of GOP presidential contenders, saying "Republicans are stupid."
From the Daily Caller:
A Virginia elementary school teacher told her students that "Republicans are stupid" and "they don’t care about anyone but wealthy people and businesses."
Kristin Martin said this to her 6th grade class as Republican voters were filing into the halls of Powell Elementary School in Fairfax County to vote on Super Tuesday.
"It all started when this disabled kid came in and named all the Republicans candidates for Super Tuesday," one student told The Daily Caller. "She [Martin] said to him, ‘I don’t like them, I think that they are stupid.’"
The teacher apologized to the students the next day.
This is not the first time in recent history a Virginia classroom has turned political. A teacher at another Fairfax middle school made his students perform opposition research on GOP candidates to forward to the Obama campaign.