The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) has created a network of community-organizing groups it uses to coordinate "grassroots" actions against its political enemies—often in concert with Occupy protests—according to an investigation by the Daily Caller. The local groups look like independent organizations, but in reality, "they were founded, incorporated, and led by SEIU personnel."
The Daily Caller reports:
The individual activist groups use benign-sounding names including This Is Our DC; Good Jobs, Great Houston; Good Jobs, Better Baltimore; Good Jobs Now in Detroit; Fight for Philly; One Pittsburgh; Good Jobs LA; and Minnesotans for a Fair Economy.
In reality, they are creations of the wealthy and influential labor union, amounting to a secret network of new SEIU front groups.
On two occasions in 2011, approximately 30 Our DC protesters descended on the congressional office of Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. The first of those two December efforts was part of a "Take Back the Capital" campaign orchestrated by union officials and coinciding with an Occupy DC rally.