Rubio: Obama Admin ‘Incompetent’

Rubio Slams Obama Admin over VA Scandal

Sen. Marco Rubio (R., Fla.) had harsh words for the Obama Administration on The O’Reilly Factor Tuesday night, rebuking the administration for their ineptitude in governing.

Asked by O’Reilly why the Obama Administration lacks knowledge of scandals, Rubio answered, "…They have a systemic problem of governing. This is a campaign that was very good at messaging, but they have no competence in terms of governing…"

Rubio pointed out that the administration appears to be more concerned with how they will publically address a scandal rather than how they will solve it. He also said that Republican criticism is met with skepticism and treated like a partisan attack instead of credible criticism.

Referring to the VA scandals, Rubio told O’Reilly "They [the Obama Administration] always take these criticism as a partisan thing when, in fact, this is a very valid and legitimate complaint that people have, a very serious crisis."