SEC. JANET NAPOLITANO: Well, there are many layers of defense.
NAPOLITANO: before people even get their ticket. One of the things I continue to emphasize is the checkpoint at the gate, which has caused some concern, is only one of other, many layers. So there’s a lot of things. The FFDOs have been useful, that’s true—I don’t know about the $15 figure. But it is a program, as we look around the universe of things that we want to do in the aviation environment, like I said before, given we have to find places to cut, that was one of them, because it’s not risk-based, that was put on the table.
CRAVAACK: Yes, ma’am, I fully understand risk-based. But again, I’ll ask you the question: Is the federal flight-deck officer the last line of defense for our traveling public?
NAPOLITANO: I think the armed cockpit-door probably is.