Liz Harrington Discusses Coburn 'Wastebook' on Lars Larson Show

December 18, 2013

Staff writer Elizabeth Harrington of the Washington Free Beacon called in to discuss the contents of Sen. Tom Coburn's (R., Okla.) annual report of government waste Tuesday on the Lars Larson Show.

Among the more bizarre examples of federal expenditures found in this year's Wastebook include $150,000 for a zombie game created to teach kids math and $40,810 to hire an Inventory Manager at the Denver Museum of Miniatures, Dolls, and Toys.

Larson replied he has witnessed some of the documented waste in his home state of Oregon. State officials implemented a $28 million Obamacare P.R. campaign with $10 million from the federal government.

Some of the Cover Oregon ads, he said, do not even include the word "insurance." "They are sort of like a cross between something Andy Warhol would have done and called it art, [...] and hippie types playing the guitar with all kinds of crazy pictures playing behind them," Larson said.

Published under: Government Waste