The bad news continues for Obamacare.
Rep. Pete Olson (R., Tex.) asked six health insurance executives if they believed the Obamacare website is now "fixed" during a House Energy and Commerce hearing Wednesday.
All six, each representing a different company, unanimously agreed that he Obamacare website is still not entirely fixed.
Weekly Standard reports:
The witnesses included Frank Coyne of Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, Mark Pratt of America’s Health Insurance Plans, Paul Wingle of Aetna, Brian Evanko of Cigna, J. Darren Rodgers of Health Care Service Corporation, and Dennis Matheis of Wellpoint, Inc.
"There are still issues on the back-end" of the website, said Coyne.
Wingle said, "There's still work to be done."
Matheis was the most diplomatic, saying, "Yes, to echo my colleagues' statements, we still have opportunities for improvement."