The Obama campaign spent $170 at BP gas stations last month, according to Obama For America’s March FEC report.
Most famous for the explosion and subsequent oil spill at the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico two years ago, BP has donated $11,900 in this election cycle to the Obama campaign and more than $71,000 in 2008.
Obama has been the top recipient of BP donations in both cycles, according to a database maintained by the Center for Responsive Politics.
OFA has spent almost a half a million dollars on Telemarketing in the last month, and $1.13 million in postage.
Secretary of Education Arne Duncan was listed as the recipient of $25.68 from the Obama campaign.
Several high-profile figures in the campaign were absent from the report. David Axelrod and Robert Gibbs were not listed as having received compensation from the campaign efforts last month.
AKPD, the media and advertising company that Axelrod founded, was listed as having received $78,6000. Axelrod sold his share of the company when he joined the White House.
Obama For America did not respond to requests for comment.