Fed Fights Bernanke Bailout Subpoena in Civil Suit

The Federal Reserve is trying to prevent chairman Ben Bernanke from having to testify about its relationship with Bank of America. The Wall Street Journal reports:

The Federal Reserve is fighting a subpoena from lawyers in a civil lawsuit who want the central bank's chairman, Ben Bernanke, to testify about conversations he had with Bank of AmericaCorp. executives before the lender completed its purchase of Merrill Lynch & Co.

The three-year-old class-action suit alleges that the Charlotte, N.C., bank and Kenneth D. Lewis, then its chief executive, misled shareholders about ballooning losses at Merrill before the $19.4 billion acquisition was approved. The government provided $20 billion in U.S. aid after Bank of America officials told Mr. Bernanke and then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson in December 2008 that they might abandon the deal because of the losses. …

When senior Fed officials have been asked to testify in past civil cases, the central bank has generally found lower-level officials to provide the information being sought—an approach the Fed is trying to take in this case.


Published under: Cronyism