FBI Director: Go Ahead and Smoke Weed Before Interviewing at the FBI

FBI Director James Comey said stoners should still apply to work for his agency, noting that the best and brightest to fight cyber crime usually "smoke weed on the way to the interview."

The Wire reports:

Law enforcement agencies generally don't hire stoners and slackers. But as the cyber war heats up, groups like the FBI may be forced to turn to people who like to get a little heated to stay ahead of the curve.

"He should go ahead and apply," was the advice FBI Director James B. Comey had on Monday for a young man who theoretically balked at applying for an FBI job because he liked to get lit. Comey spoke about the difficulties facing the FBI when it comes to hiring promising young hackers at the White Collar Crime Institute, an annual conference held at Manhattan's New York City Bar Association, according to the Wall Street Journal. The trouble is, a lot of hackers smoke weed, and that's something the FBI generally frowns upon.

Having smoked marijuana within the last three years currently disqualifies an applicant from gaining employment at the FBI.

However, Comey said the bureau is looking into changing the policy.

"I have to hire a great work force to compete with those cyber criminals and some of those kids want to smoke weed on the way to the interview," he said.