Dempsey: 'Outrageous' VA Scandal Perpetrators Must Be Held Accountable

Gen. Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called the allegations against the Veterans Administration "outrageous" and said those involved had to be held accountable Sunday on This Week.

Martha Raddatz, who interviewed Dempsey as part of Memorial Day coverage in Arlington National Cemetery, asked if that included embattled VA Secretary Eric Shinseki.

"Yeah, of course," he said. "At some point the chief executive, the chairman, whoever it is, has to take responsibility for the entire organization and its performance."

Full exchange:

MARTHA RADDATZ: I would be remiss if I did not ask you about the current problems in the Veterans Administration.

MARTIN DEMPSEY: Well, it is outrageous, if the allegations actually are documented and proven. I suspect some of them will be. They got to be held accountable. I think that (Eric) Shinseki has made it very clear they will be held accountable.

RADDATZ: Including him?

DEMPSEY: Yeah, of course. At some point the chief executive, the chairman, whoever it is, has to take responsibility for the entire organization and its performance.

[H/T Politico]