'Glad To Have You in the Fight': Congressional Hopeful Sue Altman Touts Endorsement From Soros-Funded Group That Called To Defund Police

'It's past time to defund the police,' said Reproductive Freedom for All

Sue Altman (Bennett Raglin/Getty Images)
May 13, 2024

A New Jersey Democrat seeking her first term in Congress, Sue Altman, touted an endorsement from Reproductive Freedom for All, a group funded by George Soros that supports defunding the police.

Altman in a Thursday statement said she was "glad" to have the group "in the fight" alongside her.

"Thank you @reproforall—glad to have you in the fight for democracy, reproductive rights, and the House majority #FlipNJ7," Altman wrote.

The group, which repeatedly has called to defund the police, is funded by George Soros’s Open Society Foundations. In 2022—a year before George Soros handed the reins of his political empire to his son Alex—OSF awarded a $4.5 million grant to the Reproductive Freedom for All Committee "to support policy advocacy on reproductive freedom in Michigan."

"It's past time to defund the police," the group tweeted in April 2021. "After multiple failed attempts to change the culture of policing, it's clear that police have not succeeded in reckoning with the generations of systemic racism, oppression, and state violence it has engaged in. We must continue to do better."

Altman, who is the presumptive Democratic nominee, will likely face Thomas Kean Jr. in November in a bid for her first elected position.

"Divesting from police, investing in communities, dismantling white supremacy—this is what we work towards," Reproductive Freedom for All wrote in Sept. 2020.

"We have to meet this moment by dismantling the systems of oppression that are still so entrenched in society. We have to defund the police. We have to achieve racial justice," the group wrote in April 2021.

Reproductive Freedom for All and Altman have both advocated for taxpayers to fund free services for illegal immigrants. The group in 2021 advocated for free health care for immigrants "no matter our immigration status."

"Barriers to healthcare coverage disproportionately harm immigrant women, who are more likely to be low-income, young, and uninsured. No matter our immigration status, where we live, or how much money we make, we should all be able to get reproductive healthcare," the group wrote in May 2021.

Altman in October 2020 advocated for the government to give illegal immigrants financial relief from the COVID-19 pandemic. The New Jersey Working Families Party, which Altman chaired at the time, called for the same relief for illegal immigrants in February 2021.

"One of the biggest problems with the federal budget and the state budget is that immigrants have been cut out. Immigrants or undocumented people who were paying taxes as workers since, you know, they started working here in the United States or in New Jersey aren’t getting any aid or any relief from these deals that are going to other folks. These people are the backbone of our economy," Altman said. "We need to be just as serious about helping them recover from this pandemic as we are every other resident of this state and this country."

Altman did not return a request for comment.