Former Alaska governor and 2008 vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin is holding a conference call Wednesday evening to push back against the upcoming HBO movie Game Change—a dramatic account of the '08 McCain-Palin ticket.
During the 5 p.m. conference call, Palin is expected to challenge the representation of her in the film, which is due to air on March 10. The film reportedly will focus on the choice of Palin as a vice-president candidate and the interpersonal conflicts in the campaign.
On the Sarah PAC website on Friday, Palin aides called the movie a "fiction."
"HBO Studio heads decided they would generate more profit by inventing facts and scenes for the purpose of fictionalizing a history written by people with no personal knowledge of the situations they attempt to depict," the statement read in part.
The film is being produced by prominent Hollywood Democratic donors.
The Washington Free Beacon will update the story after the conference call.