Org. Details How Men and Women Can Participate in 'A Day Without A Woman' Strike

March 2, 2017

The Women's March website revealed details on how women and men across the globe can participate in the "A Day Without A Woman" strike on March 8.

The organization behind the Women's March, which occurred the day after Donald Trump's Inauguration in January, announced in February they were planning a new protest on March 8.

March 8 also happens to be International Women's Day.

With a little less than a week before the "A Day Without A Woman" strike, the website has revealed details on how women and men around the world can participate.

According to the Women's March website, on March 8th, women and men everywhere can participate in one of the following ways,

Women to refrain from paid and unpaid work

We ask all people to refrain from shopping in stores or online. Exceptions include local small businesses and women-owned businesses that support us. (#GrabYourWallet has a list of corporations we do not support throughout the year.)

Wear red in solidarity with the strike.

Men are also encouraged to participate in "A Day Without Women." The website asks for men to lend their voices to the cause by standing up for women in the work place and calling out the decision-makers in the office.

Bring up equal pay at work, paid family leave, find out how much your women co-workers. Consider scheduling a meeting with the decision-makers at the workplace to advocate for female counterparts

"We ask that our male allies lean into care giving on March 8th, and use the day to call out decision-makers at the workplace and in the government to extend equal pay and adequate paid family leave for women," the FAQ section of the website states.

In regards to women giving up unpaid work, the Women's March website categorizes emotional labor and caregiving under that umbrella.

"Whether it’s child care, elder care, self-care, emotional care, caregiving plays a central role in keeping America’s economy going," the website claims.

The Women's March official Twitter account has been using the hashtags #IStrikeFor and #DayWithoutAWoman to promote the strike on social media.

"A Day Without A Woman's" goal is to, "highlight the economic power and significance that women have in the US."

They proudly, "believe in Gender Justice and the protection of the human rights of gay, lesbian, bi, queer, trans, Two-Spirit and gender nonconforming people."

Published under: Donald Trump , Women