They say love is limitless, and one North Dakota man certainly proved it by burning down a home to impress a woman.
Fredrick Bohjanen, Jr. was hot on the pursuit of a certain lady love. He was drinking with two other women and his crush when one of them asked him to burn down a house.
Determined to woo the woman, Bohjanen and the women drove to a farmhouse, where he lit a sheet on fire. The burning sheet set the farmhouse in flames. Bohjanen, intoxicated, drove away as he watched the farmhouse burn.
He has been charged with arson and several other felonies, including stealing car batteries that he intended to sell. Bohjanen planned on using the profits from the stolen car batteries to buy marijuana.
A witness to the farmhouse arson told police that Bohjanen had been trying to impress one of the women in the group.