CBS Picks Up Daughter of Obama Donors After Dropping Sharyl Attkisson

CBS News on Monday announced its newest Washington correspondent: Bloomberg News reporter Julianna Goldman, the daughter of two high-dollar Obama donors, TV Newser reports:

Goldman, currently the White House correspondent for Bloomberg News, joins CBS in August. The Maryland native and Barnard College/Columbia University grad, has spent her entire professional career at Bloomberg, starting out in Customer Support, before moving on to the TV side as a segment producer, then congressional reporter before joining the White House beat in 2010.

Goldman will once again be working with CBS News president David Rhodes who previously was head of U.S. TV for Bloomberg.

Rhodes is also the brother of White House national security official Ben Rhodes, who was deeply involved in the administration’s response to the 2012 attacks on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, in which four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, were killed.

CBS in March parted ways with investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson, who doggedly covered the attacks and the administration’s response to them.

A source close to Attkisson told Politico that she was dismayed by the station’s apparent political bias. "It’s no secret that Sharyl has been unhappy about CBS’s lack of interest in investigative reporting, especially when it comes to stories about the Obama administration," the source said.

While Attkisson has been a thorn in the administration’s side, Goldman’s family actually helped reelect the president.

Goldman’s parents, Michael and Barbara, are major Democratic donors. During the 2012 cycle, the Goldmans contributed at least $5,400 to Obama and $1,000 to the Democrat National Committee. Barbara Goldberg Goldman sits on the Executive Committee of the National Jewish Democratic Council and served as co-chair for Obama’s Jewish Community Leadership team in 2008.

Published under: CBS , Democratic Donors