AP Video: Truck Flies Off Overpass Onto Frozen Pond

A truck flew off an icy overpass, landing on a frozen pond last evening in a Twin Cities, Minnesota suburb the Associated Press reports.

Amazingly, recent subzero temperatures held the pond ice firm when the truck slammed into it. CBS affiliate WCOO reports the woman was able to walk away with only minor injuries:

A Maplewood woman’s pickup truck plunged over an Interstate 694 guard rail and landed on a pond 40 feet below in Little Canada Tuesday morning, according to the Minnesota State Patrol.

MnDOT traffic video (above) captured the truck flying over the guard rail, twisting in mid-air and landing on the holding pond near the southbound lanes of I-35E –- narrowly missing being hit by oncoming traffic.

When authorities responded, Spiess was found conscious and was taken to Regions Hospital where she is in fair condition. She was wearing a seatbelt.