Kate Upton's highly anticipated #icebucketchallenge was everything we could have asked for. However, it pains me as the resident Kate Uptonologist that her contribution to ALS research had a significant shortcoming.
This guy's shorts.
It's not often, if ever, when Kate is one-upped by one of her swim smoke sisters. But it happens. And in this instance, Kate’s challenge was easily usurped by Genevieve Morton. That's Genevieve below.

Notice the differences between Kate's ice bucket challenge and Genevieve's. I count four.
Also, these shorts are nowhere to be found.
Genevieve may have won this battle. But Kate is winning the war. (NSFW again.)
At times like these, we need to stop looking at what makes us different, and start looking at what we share in common.
Kate and Genevieve give hope to us all.