Women’s athletic wear has been booming ever since yoga pants became an acceptable day-to-day option at non-gym places such as the grocery store and church. Lululemon is the current market leader. But that may change now that the best brassiere engineer in the world has joined the game.
Two cups in the front, two loops in the back.
Victoria’s Secret rolled out its new line of sport bras yesterday. And they're spectacular.

These bras can support more than just Lisa's Saturday morning beginner Pilates class.
These bras let your puppies bark.
Victoria's Secret even has its take on Lululemon's famous booty pants.

Male athletic supporters haven't changed since the first caveman took a grounder right in the babymaker. Leave it to the ladies to glamorize athletic wear.

Victoria’s Secret has been the industry leader in women’s undergarments for a long, long time. Now that it's producing its own workout line, expect more women to subscribe to "strong being the new skinny."

Having a greater choice of undergarments is just another win for free enterprise.