Jim Rome has one of my favorite descriptions of Twitter. The talk show host calls the medium a "loaded gun."
The latest Twitter misfire occurred in last night’s Major League Baseball All-Star game. Some yutz pandered for 1,000 retweets by promising to rush the field if he hit the magic number.
1000 RT's and ill run across the field.. #ASG #CitiField
— dyl (@MasoneDylan) July 16, 2013
You can always count on America to endorse dumb people to do dumb stuff.
@dhaase19 @MasoneDylan well, I commend his use of social media. — David Brown (@DrBlogstein) July 17, 2013
Deadspin GIF’d the video of the festivities.

My favorite things about this episode:
1) He tweets out a text conversation with his mother and, like any decent mother, she threatens to beat him down for the stunt:
WHO SNITCHED?! pic.twitter.com/6Rqw9YxCQa — dyl (@MasoneDylan) July 17, 2013
Like a modern day Atticus Finch, Masone appeals to his mother’s logical sensibilities, "But mom, I got 1000 RTs." And in a stunning display of trendiness, Mom apparently knows what RT means:
ma stop yelling at me... pic.twitter.com/a2ly1HFxs7 — dyl (@MasoneDylan) July 17, 2013
2) If you have the gall to rush the field of the top-secured baseball event this side of the World Series, at least go full speed.
Masone running to second then waiting to get his ass laid out is weak sauce, especially for the hefty checks his mouth was writing.
alright.. i guess have no choice.. gonna try to get out by left field — dyl (@MasoneDylan) July 17, 2013
What I don’t understand about assholes who rush the field is why they don’t at least try to go out in a blaze of glory. You’re already going to prison, at least show your cellmates that you’re not to be trifled with.

3) Security guards live for some drunk asshole to run out on the field. They fantasize about it. They practice their take downs with each other between innings. Seizing rowdy fans is a security guard's red badge of courage.

My guy here had to be salivating to put his form tackling to use and dominate this joker. Well done, sir. Although he had to be pissed that Masone wussed out and just stood there to take the hit. Where’s the challenge in that?

Masone's account is still active, so you have to figure that he's away from a phone as his mother hasn't bailed him out of jail yet.