What the 2016 GOP Field Would Look Like if It Was as Pathetic as the Democratic Field

September 22, 2015

The 2016 Democratic field is a sad collection of old white people, and could become even older and whiter if Joe Biden, 72, decides to run. It's sort of pathetic, actually.

Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Martin O'Malley, Joe Biden

The Republican field, by contrast, is diverse, young, and far more entertaining. But what if it looked more like the Democratic field? By attempting to construct an equivalent collection of GOP candidates, we can get a better sense of the pathetic nature of this year's Democratic field.

Hillary Clinton = Dick Cheney


Old, career politician, despised by left wing of Democratic Party, pro-Iraq War, human-machine hybrid (Cheney's heart; Hillary's whole being)

Bernie Sanders = Ron Paul


Old, crotchety, paranoid, alternative ideologue, popular with millennial hipsters

Martin O'Malley = Arizona Governor Doug Ducey 


Governor no one has heard of, looks like a total bro

Lincoln Chafee = Charlie Crist


Generic former governor, party switcher

Jim Webb = Lindsey Graham


Senator and military veteran with a focus on foreign policy, polling at zero percent

Harvard Professor Lawrence Lessig = Joe the Plumber


Irrelevant caricature

Joe Biden = Mitt Romney


The president we need, but don't deserve; the only candidate who can save his party

Imagine if the 2016 Republican field looked like this:


That's how sad the modern Democratic Party has become.