The Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers’ Jason David Frank—better known as Tommy the original Green Ranger—is one of the rare actors to fully embrace fan service and return to the role that made him well-known in the first place.
There have been conflicting reports coming from slighted ex-Rangers leading up to the upcoming Power Rangers’ 20-year reunion episode, but Frank set the record straight to TMZ:
JDF has settled into a nice career of selling '90s youth nostalgia, exclusively in the business of fan service. How else could you explain him returning to a role from 20 years ago, or how the title of his documentary is "My Mighty Morphin’ Life?" It’s as if Tommy is a real, live person.

Did JDF shout "surf’s up!" when he punched these seven wooden boards in mid-air, thus earning a Guiness World Record?

Most of all, you have to support JDF for using his Twitter for fan outreach rather than using the forum to pop off political platitudes.
PS don't for get to vote for me for pres haha
— jason david frank (@jdfffn) November 7, 2012
Vote Tommy 4 Prez.