Schultz Slapfights With Politico

Ed Schultz /
March 20, 2013

Media-on-media crime always reminds me of two elephant seals fighting. Two bloated egos slap against each other while making disgusting sounds.

Media fights also expose the sensitivity of the individuals who inhabit our media ecosystem. In this latest bout between Ed Schultz and Politico, we learn that Eddie is ridiculously naïve:

Let me start it this way -- how much success does a guy have to have or a person have to have in his or her career before the wolves at the back door finally realize that all they're doing is howling at the moon? Something happens to someone or some change takes place in this industry and the culture is, it's negative.

Edward, this is America. Tearing down our heroes after we’ve built them up is as American as apple pie and assault weapons. And just like the esteemed senator from California, you’re out of touch if don't accept that fact. Politico has had your ass dead to rights since November on getting exiled to the weekends. Move along.

Ed embarrasses himself further when he throws a mean girl hissyfit, calling Politico 'freaking whores down there in Washington' for speaking to an anonymous source. Let me call the wambulance. Dealing with unnamed leaks is the name of the game. Lest we forget, Big Ed's interview the night he announced his weekend move was with a source that was famously anonymous.

Now Ed is going to use his latest bratty outburst as a rallying cry for his base, which is, I admit, outside the Beltway. (Which is also one of the reasons he’s getting booted.)

Rolling around the floor with a reporter about some information is as Washington as you could get. Politicians from Bachmann to Obama do it.

Ed Schultz has become the same D.C.-obsessed creature that he demonizes.