Aside from the privacy invasion, a fun side-effect of micro-targeting is seeing how peoples' interests intersect with their political affiliation.
Blowfish, a hangover panacea, polled 5,000 people and concluded that when Republicans do drink beer, they prefer Bud Light.

This is the same survey that showed D.C. complains the most about being hung over, thus proving D.C. whines about everything.

Blowfish also found that waiters, realtors, salesmen, police, and chefs are most likely to be hung over at work. Evidently, out of 5,000 people, Blowfish did not survey a single journalist.
I conducted my own unofficial survey and, after my encounters with many a Republican operative, can corroborate the findings that Republicans prefer Bud Light.

I'm all for hangover cures on the open market, and applaud Blowfish filling a market need. But has no one ever heard of drinking water before you go to bed after a night on the town? That cures a hangover every time and saves you some coin to boot. That's real fiscal conservatism. No no-hangover beer required.