Ray J's 'I Hit It First'

April 29, 2013

Ray J’s latest single, "I Hit It First," is the official 2013 Summer Banga.

Always the promoter, Ray J hyped that the video would star a clone of Kim Kardashian. Ray J, in case you've forgotten, was the Amisodarus who with his infamous 2007 sex tape released the Kardashian Chimera onto the world. You can hate on Ray J for a lot of things, but dude has an ear for a hook and a beat.

As catchy as "Hit It" is, though, the video is a cry for help.

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First, how the hell did Ray J buy the car from Tron Legacy? I know most rappers can’t afford the vehicles in their videos, and mostly rent the Bentleys and Range Rovers. But a glow-in-the-dark Rolls-Royce? He must have good credit.

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Second, a G5? How is he affording this? The royalties from Sexy Can I can’t be THAT lucrative.

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Third, the reveal. She's a dead-ringer for Kim Kardashian. She must turn a couple thousand each for appearances at bar mitzvahs. But I’m sure this actress gave Ray J a discount. He's responsible for her career. If Ray J didn’t film a sex tape with Kim, then Kim would be still middling in obscurity. And if Kim wasn’t famous, then this young lady would be out of a job.

Ray J, job creator.

Ray J must have also saved money by purchasing the guest verse from Bobby Brackins. I haven’t heard of Bobby either, though he has good taste in first names. But the move makes sense. When rappers look to save money on a feature, they call up Ray J. When a discount hooksmith needs a rapper of his own, he apparently calls Bobby Brackins.

What's most concerning, though, is that the whole thing is just about as un-player as you can get. Dropping a song about how years ago you sexed someone who's now expecting? No one wants to hear a guy whine about an ex.

Sour grapes, Ray J.