Foremost among the troika of models in the "Blurred Lines" music video is Emily Ratajkowski. We’re posting the PG-13 version of the video because, like the Wu-Tang Clan, the Free Beacon is for the kids.
The model’s dash of heritage from the Holy Land makes the Summer of the Israeli Starlet that much hotter.

Ratajkowski embodies the American immigrant experience. Born in London to Polish and English parents, she moved to Southern California where she divided her time between high school and modeling. She tried the whole college thing before moving on to full-time modeling—a career decision for which we are all very, very grateful.
She’s appeared in one of the legendary Carl’s Jr. "food porn" ads that actively troll PETA.
She even provided some helpful #protips:
Ok, fine. Well, always put the top of your mouth on the burger instead of the bottom. That’s the main goal. Otherwise it looks a little strange. And take the biggest bite you possibly can.
Also, mid-shoot, Ratajkowski did the second-most patriotic thing someone can do.

And let us not forget that she has scored spots with Frederick’s of Hollywood:
Meanwhile, Emily has remixed the "Blurred Lines" video into a handy Radio Shack commercial. Turning a piece of art into an advertisement for imported electronics? American capitalism at its finest.
Another video features Emily with more fluorescent paint on her person than cotton.

The buzz from "Blurred Lines" has even elevated Ratajkowski into the running for a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model spot.
SI editors: I second the nomination.
In her Casting Call piece, Ratajkowski says she feels sexiest "naked."

You don't say.