My colleague Mr. Charette reminded me in his latest post that model-cum-actress Milla Jovovich is Ukrainian. To show my solidarity with the Ukrainian people, I'd like to highlight the actress' five greatest performances.
1. The Fifth Element

Luc Besson's classic space comedy is finally, after a decade-plus of play on HBO and TNT, beginning to receive the appreciation it is so due. But his crazy, campy future wouldn't have half the charm it does without the efforts of Jovovich, who turns in her finest performance as a legendary cosmic weapon needed to save humanity from the ultimate evil.
2. Resident Evil

This is the series that made Jovovich into a household name and continues to pump out a new entry every couple of years. While the sequels have declined in coherence and quality—I'll be honest, I couldn't quite follow what was going on in the last one—the original still holds up nicely and may, in fact, lay claim to the title "Greatest Video Game Adaptation." Granted, the list of contenders is short (Silent Hill is the only other contender, really), but hey!
3. Dazed and Confused

The groovy guitar chick in the background, this was Jovovich's introduction to the masses. Not her first role or her fullest, Americans got their first look at the Ukrainian bombshell in Richard Linklater's breakout hit.
4. Zoolander

Jovovich's sinister fashion henchwoman gave Jovovich a chance to show off her chops. Accents, action: Is there anything she can't do?!
5. Ultraviolet
I have literally no idea what this film is about. But the costume design was pretty cool.