As one of the best up-and-coming R&B artists on the scene, it’s depressing for Miguel to be better known for his "leg drop" at the Billboard Music Awards that was cushioned by audience member Khyati Shah’s face, than for how many hits he’s had in his brief career.
Miguel is fighting back against claims from the BMA that producers told the hottest hook guy sangin’ today to ixnay the leg drop from his performance. According to TMZ, Miguel leg dropped twice during rehearsals and producers made nary a fuss. The crooner’s reps deny the allegations, calling "the reports claiming that Miguel was warned by producers not to jump are completely false."
TMZ even has a source sharing that producers, in fact, asked Miguel if he was going to leg drop to ensure cameras captured the magic. The evidence speaks for itself.
Perhaps what’s most impressive about the performance was how cold Miguel was after landing. A sign of a legitimate performer is whether he reacts when his backside gets struck. Like a true pro, Miguel didn’t miss a note of "Adorn" and kept crooning.
The Internet has the leg drop edited with pro wrestling commentary.
You figure that the show is pushing all of the blame on Miguel because of rumors that Shah is going to press charges because of "neurological damage" she sustained catching Miguel with her head.
I’m not going to pretend I understand the legality of it all, but people pay pretty pennies to be seated in concert pits all over the planet. Fans are actively paying currency to be a part of the show. Yes, you could be Courtney Cox in "Dancing in the Dark," but more often than not, you’re going to get run up on by mosh pits, crowd surfed on, and in Shah’s case, getting face-to-hind-parts time with the star of the show.
Miguel has already made multiple attempts to reach out to Shah to provide help. If Shah is going sue anyone, I point to the group of people who witnessed her find herself in between a stage and Miguel’s ass and acted like nothing happened as soon as they noticed they were on national television.