I should have listened to my heart instead of my head.

In no possible way would Kate, a two-time Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue COVER MODEL, ever submit to the back cover of a Victoria’s Secret catalog. That’s like a marginally successful primetime cable host requesting to be moved to weekends. Oh wait...
A source from the New York Post says of Kate's Victoria's Secret appearance: "The pictures are from 2011" and "Kate’s not currently contracted to work with Victoria’s Secret, and they didn’t contact her before they used these images."
Now I don’t know the financial situation of a free panty mag, but the only thing Victoria's Secret could gain from featuring an outdated photo of Kate on its back cover is the publicity. Top brass must have known people were going to call bullshit, considering the genius who runs their fashion show slandered Kate in the Times last year.
Compare the pic VS is running to photos of Kate in 2013:
Kate has certainly matured.