No man is an island. And at last night’s Bruins/Habs game, Justin Verlander was lumped in with the rest of us living in the Upton-ited States of Kate.
In a Game 7 featuring two of the Original Six teams battling for a berth in the Eastern Conference Finals, Verlander had eyes locked in on second base. Unluckily for Justin, the camera struck him out looking.

I'm not hating on Verlander. We’ve all been caught with our eyes looking in the backfield.
It was interesting that while attending a game featuring Boston and Montreal, Kate was sporting a Detroit Tigers hat. But hey, I'm not asking any questions. Kate can wear whatever the heck she wants.

Verlander was out that night despite having pitched for the Tigers earlier in the day. Any other guy would have been chill watching the hockey game on TV from the hotel room. I reckon Kate dragged his ass out.

Luckily for Verlander, she made it worth his effort.