To keep growing, any upstart business has to diversify its goods and services. As a young entrepreneur, Jade Bryce won’t just sit on her supple laurels and only tirelessly promote Bellator Fighting Championships.
Jade is also an aspiring actress and filmmaker. With no fancy tax credits or taxpayer-funded bailouts, Jade crowd-sourced her first film, 365 Less Strangers. And good for her.
365 Less Strangers is based on Jade’s move to Los Angeles and her various attempts to overcome traffic and d-bags so that she can make honest connections with people.
Its elevator pitch: It’s Crash, but with, um, I don't know, something I can't quite put my finger on ...
On Jade's Facebook, she shares that her life goals are to act, model, and help those in need. She's already checked off the first two on her list.

And I'm in need of fashion tips, so that makes three.

How does Jade maintain her hourglass physique? Fresh 'za.

She loves pizza so much, she's the one person on the planet who can pull off the "sexy pizza" costume.

We're looking forward for your next feature!