Every time I try to blog about real sports news like the "Bitcoin St. Petersberg Bowl" or the "Washington Reagans," the World Cup goes and sucks me back in.
From what soccer fans like Sonny Bunch tell me, a 0-0 tie between Mexico and Brazil yesterday is footie at its finest.
Forgive me if I prefer my games' endings to be a bit more dramatic.
The man who's been lauded today as a legend for Dikembe Mutomboing Brazil to a standstill is Mexican goalie Memo Ochoa.

Ochoa has been tending Mexican model’s Karla Mora goal. He let one slip through the net when they had a child together last year.

According to the Demographics of Mexico Wiki page:
Throughout most of the twentieth century Mexico's population was characterized by rapid growth. Even though this tendency has been reversed and average annual population growth over the last five years was less than 1%, the demographic transition is still in progress, and Mexico still has a large cohort of youths.
At least Ochoa and Karla have done their part.

With her boo's fantastic save, Karla's gesture is rather appropriate .