Happy New Year From Bar Paly, Bar Refaeli (Photos)

Gal Gadot
September 4, 2013

The evening of September 4th marks the beginning of the Jewish High Holy Days and the start of the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah.

And what better way to commemorate the Days of Awe than to awe at Israeli starlets.

Bar Paly Instagram
Bar Paly Instagram

Bar Paly projects femininity off-screen too.

Bar Paly Instagram
Bar Paly Instagram

Meanwhile, as Sonny Bunch wrote, Gal Gadot makes any bro stand up and chant, "Jeah!"


He’s not wrong.

Gal Gadot Facebook
Gal Gadot Facebook

Lest we neglect the OG Israeli Starlet, Bar Refaeli.


There is much to celebrate about Bar, including hosting Israel's version of The X Factor.

Bar Refaeli Instagram
Bar Refaeli Instagram

Proving he is, indeed, the People's Champ, The Rock also wished his fans a Happy Jewish New Year.


He has a decorated record working with the finest of the Holy Land.

Gal Gadot Facebook
Gal Gadot Facebook
Bar Paly Instagram
Bar Paly Instagram

What better way to say Shana tovah?


Published under: Israel , Smokes