As Americans are strong-armed into enrolling in the health care exchange, they are faced with costlier fees for insurance. To offset ballooning prices, some younger Americans are finding they want to enroll in another sort of marketplace all together.
The leading "mutually beneficial arrangement" service,, has come up with the Sugar Daddy Insurance Plan. For the folks back home, sugar daddies exchange jewelry, food, and clothes for nighttime companionship by younger sugar babies. is paring sugar babies with a sugar daddy to pay for health insurance using a whole different type of subsidy. Think of it as a that's up all night.
I've given this a lot of thought, and I've reluctantly come to the following decision: I am prepared to volunteer myself as a daddy in the Seeking Arrangement exchange.

Consumer warning, ladies. Being the Washington Free Beacon’s Kate Upton and hip-hop correspondent is not exactly a lucrative gig. I can probably afford you only bronze-level Obamacare.
Under my coverage, however, you will be eligible for additional subsidies. Sugar babies making $25,000 in D.C. are eligible for $437 a year.