Boy, do I wish YouTube was as popular now as it was when I was in high school. In what appears to be an annual ritual, another scrawny high school senior who resembles pre-Super Soldier Serum Steve Rogers popped "Will you go to Prom with me?" to a supersmoke via a YouTube video. If I knew then that these supersmokes are actually more flattered than they are creeped out by these scrubs, I would have cut a YouTube video myself to take a crack at LC from "Laguna Beach." Simpler days back in Bush’s America.
Copying Jake Davidson’s Hail Mary at Kate Upton for the 2013 Prom, Chase Friedman lofted an alley for the oop at none other than Miss Blurred Lines herself, Emily Ratajkowski.
Friedman borrowed Dad's Ferrari to make a grand entrance, only to step out in a pair of Nike SBs. Chase, as an old bro to a young one, if you're going to come at the Queen, rock some Jordan's.
At least a pair of J's would have helped you connect on that dunk.
I feel comfortable teasing a minor because game respect game. Friedman’s pitch is very tongue-in-cheek and mildly humorous. I mean, what are the chances that freaking Emily Ratajkowski would see this random YouTube video.
Emily is still riding the wave of success of the Blurred Lines video, having been honored as a SI Swimsmoke rookie in addition to landing acting roles in the "Entourage" movie and costarring with Ben Affleck when he isn't training to get his ass handed to him by Chris Evans in 2016. She's a busy lady.

Although we already know that she can rock an evening wear just as well as she rocks body paint and a pair of fish nets.

My pitch would have been significantly less inspired: "Emily-Prom? Y/N." I'd be still waiting for a response.

Lucky for Friedman, Emily caught a glimpse at young Chase's deep pass. Unfortunately for the lad, Emily can't make it because it's her birthday. I highly doubt no one will like her, despite June 7th being her 23rd birthday.
@emrata Just made a twitter after reading the comments. Don't worry about it at all! Have an amazing bday and thanks for the response!!
— Chase Friedman (@FriedmanChase) April 8, 2014
Last year, Kate also stood up her young high school admirer. Jake had a heck of a back-up plan. That's 2014's SI Swimsmoke cover gal Nina Agdal. Who knows? Perhaps to path to Swimsmoke immortality lies through accepting prom invites by the very people who buy SI's swimsmoke issues?

My bet for Chase Friedman's back-up date: SI swimsmoke rookie Samantha Hoopes

We already know she can cut a mean rug in heels.
Say "Yes!" Sam!