There are many great privileges that come with being a member of the liberal elite. Elite liberals, however, would rather not acknowledge these privileges, especially when they doing so would expose them as massive hypocrites. But eventually, they get exposed.
Here’s a list of some of the elite liberal privileges that could use a good checking:
1. Running a left-wing "watchdog" group that routinely attacks "anti-union" policies while actively trying to prevent your own employees from unionizing.

2. Writing for a left-wing publication that routinely demonizes its political opponents as racist, and is constantly advocating for greater diversity, but that is, in fact, whiter than the crowd at a Sigur Rós concert.

3a. Running an esteemed left-wing newspaper that has published thousands of words advocating for gender pay quality, but that (allegedly) paid its female executive editor significantly less than her male predecessor.

3b. Or, alternatively, if others are to be believed: Getting fired as executive editor of said left-wing newspaper, and then allowing it be leaked to the press that you were fired after complaining about making less than your male predecessor, even though you actually didn’t.