It appears the EU has finally joined the United States in the effort to levy harsh sanctions on Russia for invading Ukraine. Better late than never, I suppose. I’ll be first to admit that geopolitics isn’t exactly my forte, but it’s heartening to see the world's powers coming together.
But before this morning's Reuters report, Busted Coverage made a similar stand in opposition in Russia. I think they took it just a bit too far.
I’m continually amazed by Irina Shayk’s ability to show up, on an exotic beach, and there just happens to be a photographer and a Beach Bunny swimsuit team with like 14 bikinis for her to wear. You’d think she’d just want to relax on these vacations. One thing leads to another and she’s straddling a log for the perfect shot.
The only big issue I have right now with Shayk is that she’s Russian.
I hate to do this, but I’m going to do what Obama won’t do. I’m banning Irina from Busted until Putin gets his ass out of Crimea.
I’m taking a stand.
While the site's stance against Putin’s autocratic power grab is admirable, implementing an outright ban on one Russian who, as far as we know, had nothing to do with the pro-Putin sympathizing is too far.
Busted Coverage's ban is discriminatory, targeting Irina just because she's Russian. Banning images of Irina is bad for business. Busted Coverage is only hurting themselves.

As far as we know, Irina is not one of the Russians the State Department designated to have her visa suspended.

Irina is a non-stop highlight reel. She was the first ever Russian to be featured on SI's legendary swimsmoke magazine and will be given her first acting credit this year, starring alongside movie franchise foundation, The Rock.

America is about to see a lot more of Irina in the coming months. Rescind your ban, Busted Coverage. Don't rescind Irina's visa to the laptops and desktops across the country.
Unless she takes a firm stand in favor of Russia's annexation of Ukraine's territory, Irina will have a home right here.