OK ladies, be careful what you ask for.
In the old days a man's involvement in his wife's pregnancy was somewhat limited. Beyond the essential role at the very beginning of the pregnancy, the stereotypical role of the dad was best personified by Ricky Ricardo showing up in the hospital waiting room just in time to see "Little Ricky" through the window in the maternity ward.
We've certainly come a long way with dads expected to participate in child birth classes, crash courses in diaper duty, and in-room responsibilities during delivery including back rubs, breathing coaching, and even camera work for the un-watchable birth video.
But England's Harry Ashby has now taken the pregnancy participation thing to a whole new level. He has become the first man in Britain to be awarded paid paternity sick leave from work for "sympathy pregnancy."
According to the New York Daily News, Ashby suffers from morning sickness, he's put on seven pounds of "baby belly," and he's even developed tender breasts. His "symptoms" have coincided with his fiancée’s first trimester pregnancy woes.
Ashby said the bizarre condition meant he could sympathize with the Duchess of Cambridge, who is again suffering from morning sickness in her second pregnancy.
"My morning sickness had prevented me going to work," he told the Sun. "I can imagine how the Duchess feels about missing her royal duties."
The Mirror reports the former model has been on medication for the symptoms, which started two months after his partner found out she was pregnant.
At first he thought he was suffering from a bug. But further research, and a doctor's visit, revealed he could have couvade syndrome — more commonly known as a sympathetic pregnancy.
"I was shocked. I've been told I'm the first man in the UK to be signed off work for being pregnant," Ashby told the Sun.
Sympathy pregnancy is a condition that has reared itss head on this side of the pond as well. This Summer, Jimmy Kimmel told his pregnant guest Mila Kunis that he and his wife were pregnant. "We are having a baby very soon, as well," he eagerly told Kunis.
Kunis then delivered a "public service announcement" on behalf of all pregnant women imploring the men in their lives to "Stop saying 'we're pregnant,'" she said. "You're not pregnant! Do you have to squeeze a watermelon-sized person out of your lady-hole? No."
In the case of Mr. Ashby, he may not be squeezing anything out of anywhere, but he seems to be taking on all the other characteristics of his pre-natal partner.
Women claimed they wanted their spouses to be full participants in the pregnancies, but I wonder if this is what they had in mind. Does an expectant mother expect her husband to grow sympathetic man-breasts? Or maybe, just maybe, they'd like their men to be more like men.
Meanwhile, Mr. Ashby will be receiving his paid leave while he lactates away watching soap operas and eating ice cream with kosher pickles.
Now that I think about it ... this guy is a freaking genius.