Bar Refaeli endures a life of solitude as the OG Israeli Bar. It’s lonely jet setting across the globe as the first Israeli to be featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated’s swimsuit issue.

When an attractive person laments how lonely it is on the top, reaction is measured by either silenced disbelief or groaned indignation.
Both responses were merited when the NYDY translated "the Requiem of a Lovelorn Supermodel" from an Israeli newspaper:
"I’m okay," the 28-year-old former flame of Leonardo DiCaprio continued. "I look great. I’m cool. I like going out. I like being at home, I like movies, I like eating. So what’s wrong with me? Why am I alone?"
An excellent question. Bar, I can be reached at Trust me: You will never be lonely again.

Sharing family values is as important to Bar as a skimpy two-piece.
"I’m looking for someone serious, who I can set up home with," she said. "Someone who comes from a warm, loving family like mine, who has values like mine."

At least she's not limiting herself.
"I never say ‘no’ when people suggest I meet someone," she confessed.

It's great to see Bar rebuking feminist propaganda and desiring to be a stay at home mom. Just like Ann Romney!
"I’m not at all a feminist," she says. "I don’t want him to do my dishes. I’ll do the dishes, and I’ll clean, and I’m the one who wants to stay at home with the kids in the end."

Bar, as a fan, allow me to share some insight.
You’re a tender soul and mean well, but the virtuous men you seek, such as me, don’t desire a woman who's down with TMI and over-shares with the media. You’re only 28 and already a pioneer in the swim-smoke industry. Just do you, and love will not be far behind.
LOL now I won't be stopped getting asked out by u guys ha?:) i'm single, happy and loving it!
— Bar Refaeli (@BarRefaeli) October 18, 2013