Critical to drunkorexia is the pre-pregame. A feller/lady needs a good swoll session to jumpstart the metabolism for the mental, physical, and financial punishment that follows a Champagne campaign.
GQ recently noted studies showing the importance of carbohydrates in post-workout recovery, and suggested light beer could both start your buzz and replenish your muscles. That’s efficiency.
GQ’s Best Post-Workout Beer is the Dutch macrobrew Amstel Light. It has 95 calories per beer, and its crisp faux-craft taste is different than the stagnant-gutter-water flavor for which that nectar of the Gods, Milwaukee’s Best, is known.
But I want to toss in other options for your pregame pregame. I've studied a half-hours worth of data, and gathered the finest light beer options to fuel your binge drinking. And because this blog believes ordinary Americans decide best how to spend their dollars, we’re focusing on a patient-centered brew thru.
Coors Light 4.15% ABC 104 calories 5.3g of carbs
There’s nothing like a refreshing post-run Coors Light at 11AM in Ocean City before you trot off to Seacrets.

Miller Genuine Draft "64" 2.8% ABC 64 calories 2.4g of carbs
The Rock "drinks" it. Salud to Product Placement Capitalism!
Heineken Special Light 3.8% ABC 99 calories 6.8g of carbs
For you hoity-toity 1%ers who drink imports. Because tennis players drinking light beer is real classy.

GQ quoted a dietician who attempted to debunk the urban legend of beer bellies, an ailment contracted by consuming copious amounts of Natty Light. "You can get a belly from anything," she said.
Tell that to Chris Pratt.
#GOTG No beer for six months. My brother made me post this.
— chris pratt (@prattprattpratt) July 7, 2013