Free Beacon Yuichiro Kakutani

Yuichiro Kakutani is a reporter at the Washington Free Beacon. He recently graduated from Cornell University, where he studied government and history. He previously served as editor for The Cornell Daily Sun. He's a proud New Yorker — and by that he means, New York City. He can be reached at

Labor Group Exploits Coronavirus to Fill Coffers

Labor activists will pocket cash raised for servers affected by quarantine

March 19, 2020

'Pathetic': Ex-Aides Slam De Blasio's Gym Trip Amid Outbreak

NYC Mayor hits gym hours ahead of statewide closure order

March 16, 2020

Hunter Biden's Foreign Visits Cost Taxpayers Nearly $200,000, According to Gov’t Database

Biden's overseas protection more expensive than combined Secret Service details for Trump's children

March 16, 2020

Trump Admin Strikes Back Against Chicoms After Ejection of U.S. Journalists

State Dept. restrictions would force regime outlets to reduce staff in the U.S.

March 2, 2020

Bloomberg Locked Up Nearly Half a Million People on Marijuana Charges

Former mayor now campaigning on decriminalization

February 28, 2020