Free Beacon Thaleigha Rampersad

Thaleigha Rampersad is a video producer with the Washington Free Beacon. Before joining the Free Beacon, she was a senior creative producer with the RNC and production specialist at the Heritage Foundation. Follow her on Twitter @thaleigha_ or contact her at

WATCH: Biden's Senior Moment of the Week (Special Thanksgiving Edition)

Show this to your obnoxious liberal nephew who thinks Sleepy Joe is fit to serve

November 22, 2023

WATCH: A Tale of Two Protests

This week in our nation's capital: Israel supporters sing and pray while Hamas supporters brawl and rage

November 16, 2023

WATCH: 300,000 March in Defense of Israel's Right To Exist

'They want the Jews to be annihilated from the land of Israel, which they won't be'

November 14, 2023