Free Beacon Susan Crabtree

Susan Crabtree is a senior writer for the Washington Free Beacon. She is a veteran Washington reporter who has covered the White House and Congress over the past two decades. She has written for the Washington Examiner, the Washington Times, the Hill newspaper, Roll Call, and Congressional Quarterly.

FBI Reopens Conservative Group's FOIA Case on Loretta Lynch-Bill Clinton Meeting

The agency told the group in October of last year that it had no records related to the infamous meeting

August 16, 2017

San Diego Mayor Offers Vision for 'New California Republicans'

Path rejects major themes, issues that Trump used to propel himself into the White House

August 16, 2017

Schiff and Boxer Form Fundraising Alliance That Could Help Boost a Senate Bid

Boxer's super PAC has raised $1.3 million from deep-pocketed liberal donors since she left office

August 15, 2017
The US Embassy in Havana / Getty Images

Congress Wants Answers About Diplomats' Illnesses in Cuba Last Year

Aide: 'The real question is what the Obama administration knew and why they didn't do anything about it'

August 10, 2017

Justice Officials Sent Talking Points to FBI on Lynch Tarmac Meeting With Bill Clinton

Flurry of emails between Justice, FBI and White House came just days before Comey cleared Hillary Clinton in email scandal

August 9, 2017
President Donald Trump and National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster

Trump's Defense of McMaster Fails to Quell Tensions

Infighting continues between McMaster defenders, Trump loyalists

August 7, 2017

Rubio, Activists: Tillerson Must Publicly Clarify Position on Genocide

Third anniversary of ISIS attack on Yazidis, Christians spurs renewed call for aid

August 7, 2017
US soldiers walk at the site of a Taliban suicide attack in Kandahar on August 2

Graham, Corker: Gen. Nicholson Is Not the Problem in Afghanistan, Commitment Is

GOP senators reject WH suggestion general needs to be replaced

August 3, 2017

Lawmakers Press Trump Administration to Accelerate Aid to Religious Minorities in Iraq

Tillerson's recognition of ISIS 'genocide' tees up more action

August 3, 2017