That's Just How They Roll

Not the first time Rolling Stone's reporting has come under fire

December 11, 2014

Some excellent reporting at the Washington Post has raised serious question about Rolling Stone’s widely celebrated (initially, at least) account of rape at the University of Virginia. The pop culture magazine has since sought to distance itself from the story, and has admitted to fact-checking errors. The magazine will almost certainly face lawsuits as a result.

Some have referred to the UVA controversy as a stain on Rolling Stone’s otherwise "legendarily tough fact-checking procedures." The reporter who wrote the story, Sabrina Rubin Erdely, has stopped speaking to the press. The Federalist has uncovered other examples of Erdely’s work that appear suspect. And it’s certainly not the first time Rolling Stone has come under fire for questionable reporting.

Like most liberal publications, Rolling Stone has done its fair share of critical reporting on the right-leaning philanthropists Charles and David Koch. In September, the magazine published an extensive article explaining why the Koch brothers are evil.

After "attempting to engage in a good-faith discussion" with Koch Industries, the reporters appears to have produced a fairly one-sided account, which mixes up a number of basic facts, such as simultaneously asserting that Koch Industries would profit from the Keystone XL pipeline, be hurt by the pipeline, yet was still benefiting from the uncertainty surrounding the pipeline.

Perhaps more people should have seen the current controversy coming. For example, the magazine’s recently departed legal counsel. They have certainly seen better days at Rolling Stone.

Published under: Koch Brothers